How far along? 34 weeks, 2 days
Maternity clothes? yep!
Stretch marks? still none, bracing myself...I think I might get some soon, things are getting tight!
Sleep: when I do sleep, I sleep great, having a crazy schedule and then a belly that gets in my way is making things more challenging.
Best moment this week: Last weekend we went to Cannon Beach for the weekend to celebrate my birthday, our anniversary and our last weekend away before we go from a family of 2 to a family of 3!!! More on this below :)
Movement: she's an active little thing!
Food cravings: cookies
Gender: girl!
Labor Signs: having more contractions, and according to my midwife, things are starting to progress! I will spare you the details but YAY!!!!!
Belly Button in or out? still a looks so funny!
What I miss: sushi!
What I am looking forward to: Almost done with the nursery, and having a couple baby showers soon!
Milestones: Little NJ isn't so little anymore! She weighs about 4 and 3/4 pounds!!!!
On our trip to the beach, we forgot our camera!!!!!! We were so sad but here are a few lovely pics from the internet! We spent a lot of time relaxing, walked on the beach down to Haystack Rock and beyond when I had the energy and ate some really great food! We stayed at the Surfsand Resort, it was so worth it, comfy beds and an amazing soaking tub! The view wasn't too shabby either! Chris and I can't wait until the next time we go to the beach because it will be with our baby girl!

This is the deck at the resort, they also had cabanas and windblocks they set up for guests, and had bonfires with smores every night! It was lovely!