Norah had her 2 week checkup today! Here's her stats...
Height: 21.5in
Weight: 8lb 13oz!
Overall health: Fab!
The doctor said she is doing great, not even a touch of jaundice and that she seems happy and healthy except one little thing...she has gained weight excessively! Our little or, not so little girl gained 12 oz in 10 days! I was afraid she wasn't gaining enough because she spits up A LOT every time she eats, but it turns out I am just a cow....literally. I produce too much milk for her. The pediatrician said I could probably successfully exclusively breastfeed triplets! Time to scale back the feedings just a bit! She's not the happiest about it but she is already spitting up less. Our washing machine is thankful for the much needed break! I haven't even had to do one load of laundry today!
Here she is after her appointment :)
Auntie Katie organized a nieces get together tonight, she and David came over for dinner along with her new niece Lana and her parents Amy and Danny. Amy and I were in the same pregnancy fitness class so NJ and Lana have been friends longer than they think :)
Chris' coworker Elliott and his wife Leigh brought their one year old daughter Iris over for a play date......she is learning to gently touch babies, not smack them! It was cute to see her try and interact with Norah. They are almost exactly a year apart!
This is pretty much what I do all day.......just stare at her. She is amazing and we love her so so much!
What a beautiful girl!! Thank you for posting these pictures. xoxoxo to all of you .
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